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Reliability Management Platform

Fastest way to achieve on-call excellence via Slack

Automate manual work, get everyone on the same page, and save cost with Slack

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How it works?

Annotate -> Analyze -> Improve your on-call process

1. Easily annotate incidents

Mark noisy incidents, note actions or resolutions, link follow ups and indicate runbook usage or status in the Slack channel. Readily use these annotations in your standups and on-call handover calls (2).gif

2. Analyze on-call incidents using shift report

Get a consolidated reports with key incident details with all annotations to analyze and determine action items​


#BringEveryonOnSamePage  #SaveTime

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Daily Metrics in Slack channel

Get daily on-call summary in the Slack channel making standup or async conversation streamlined. Easily present on-call incidences by severity, annotations or status


#StayOnTop #DailyMetrics 

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Ready to use report for on-call handoff

Upload a markdown file to your tools such as Confluence or ClickUp and go through on-call incidences during on-call handoff meetings 


#NoLossOfContext  #NoManualWork


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